Packages for general use
This package implements PyTorch artificial neural network classes for molecular applications.
It can be used to define neural network functions that are invariant under rotation and translation, or functions that take molecular features as
Documentation and installation on this page.
- This is a plugin for package PLUMED that implements the TorchFunc function class and the TorchColVar class.
This package allows to define functions and collective variables in PLUMED that are represented by artificial neural networks.
Colvars Finder
- This Python package implements training algorithms for identifying collective variables of dynamical systems using neural networks.
The collective variables can found by either training (regularized) autoencoders, computing eigenfunctions of the system's generator or transfer operator.
Documentation and installation on this page.
Packages from past research
Python package for solving eigenvalue PDE problems by training neural networks.
Julia package that implements a hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) sampler on submanifolds.
More on github page.